WE HELP your people perform better.



Engagement Quotient

Do work better.

Everyone is important.

In any organization, regardless of size or industry, every individual plays a crucial role in contributing to its overall success. From top leadership to entry-level employees, each person brings a unique set of skills, experiences, and perspectives that collectively drive the organization forward. Executives and managers provide strategic direction, set goals, and make critical decisions, while frontline employees execute tasks, interact with customers, and innovate on a daily basis. Collaboration among different team members fosters creativity, problem-solving, and adaptability, essential qualities for navigating a rapidly changing business landscape. Recognizing and valuing the contributions of every individual within an organization fosters a culture of inclusivity, boosts morale, and ultimately leads to improved performance and sustained success.

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engaged high-performers

Fostering engagement and cultivating high performance among all members of an organization is fundamental to enhancing its overall effectiveness. By investing in the development and empowerment of each individual, a cascading impact is generated that extends beyond individual contributions, profoundly influencing the collective achievements of the organization. Engaged, motivated employees who operate at their peak potential are better positioned to collaborate synergistically, foster innovation, and attain optimal outcomes. This concerted endeavor results in heightened productivity, and improved operational efficiency, and ultimately propels the organization towards the attainment of its strategic objectives. Hence, prioritizing the growth and engagement of every individual not only yields personal benefits but also plays a pivotal role in amplifying the performance and success of the organization as a cohesive entity.

Do work better.

Coaching is a powerful way to increase engagement and performance.

Coaching plays a pivotal role in cultivating engaged high-performers within an organization. Through coaching, individuals can receive personalized guidance and feedback that caters to their specific needs and aspirations. Coaches work hand-in-hand with employees to identify their strengths, areas for development, and goals, fostering a sense of ownership over their professional growth. By providing consistent support and encouragement, coaches can help employees stay motivated and focused, leading to increased engagement and a drive to excel in their roles.

Furthermore, coaching empowers individuals to unlock their full potential by honing their skills and expertise. Coaches assist employees in building self-awareness, enhancing their emotional intelligence, and developing effective strategies to overcome challenges. This personalized approach not only boosts confidence and morale but also equips employees with the tools needed to perform at their best consistently. By investing in coaching programs, organizations can create a culture that values continuous learning, growth, and excellence, ultimately nurturing a workforce of engaged high-performers who drive innovation and success.

Scope 9

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assessment tools + system

 Performance factors

Engagment Quotient

Do work better.

 The engagement and performance capacities we help develop

We work to help each person get a better understanding of the things that contribute to their overall performance in the work they are doing. We work with each person to develop four critical areas: their mental and emotional conditioning as it pertains to the work, their sense of direction and purpose, their ability to develop the precise plan that will guide the work they are doing, and the ability to execute on the plan and accomplish the goals they have set for themselves. These four areas are critical to both getting things done and getting them done in the right way. The other part of performance we work on is the ability to get the results that you need and want on demand. What does it take to have reproducible and sustainable results that allow you to hit the bulls-eye every time?

Clear Direction:

Coaching serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards clear directions that foster heightened engagement within individuals. By providing personalized support and insights, coaches empower individuals to navigate ambiguity and align their actions with purpose, resulting in increased focus and commitment.

Goal Setting and Alignment:

Coaches help individuals set clear, specific, and achievable goals that are aligned with organizational objectives. By ensuring alignment between individual and organizational goals, employees understand their role in contributing to overall success, which motivates and focuses their efforts.

Strength Discovery + Development:

Coaching provides individuals with a supportive space to uncover their inherent strengths, fostering self-awareness and personal growth. By honing these strengths, individuals can enhance their engagement levels, leading to increased motivation and fulfillment in both personal and professional endeavors.

Skill Development and Training:

Coaches identify skill gaps and development needs through assessments and feedback. They then design tailored development plans and provide resources, training, and guidance to help individuals acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their roles effectively.

Emotional Intelligence:

Coaching encourages individuals to continue to be aware of how they feel and how they are managing those emotions. This heightened emotional intelligence leads to increased engagement as individuals are better equipped to understand and manage emotions in both themselves and those around them.

Time Management and Prioritization:

Coaches assist individuals in improving their time management and prioritization skills. By helping them set priorities, manage deadlines, and eliminate distractions, employees can increase their productivity and focus on high-impact tasks that drive results.

Communication and Collaboration:

Coaches work on enhancing communication and collaboration skills among team members. By facilitating effective communication, active listening, and constructive feedback, individuals can build stronger relationships, resolve conflicts, and collaborate more efficiently to achieve common goals.

Resilience and Stress Management:

Coaches help individuals develop resilience and coping strategies to manage stress and adversity. By building resilience, employees can bounce back from setbacks, stay focused under pressure, and maintain a positive attitude, which contributes to their overall performance and well-being.

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making:

Coaches assist individuals in developing critical thinking skills and effective problem-solving techniques. By analyzing situations, evaluating options, and making informed decisions, employees can overcome challenges and drive innovative solutions to achieve desired outcomes.

Do work better.

our approach

producing engaged high- performer

It starts with understanding the factors that are connected to your ability to accomplish your goals. Then it moves into you applying those insights into the work you are doing, making it possible to do it better.

Our programs are designed to educate, train and coach you to discover and develop those areas that are critical to the success that you want to see from your efforts and work.

Our comprehensive coaching programs empower you to unlock your full potential and achieve your desired outcomes. We've meticulously designed these programs to help you identify, cultivate, and strategically deploy your strengths.

At the core of our approach is Peak 9, our proprietary coaching system. This innovative framework guides you through self-discovery, skill development, and performance optimization. Whether you prefer live events, on-demand streaming, or group coaching sessions, we offer flexible formats to accommodate your schedule.

To further fuel your success, we provide a dynamic range of workshops, coaching sessions, and learning opportunities tailored to enhance your effectiveness across all your endeavors. We firmly believe that consistent support and encouragement are key to reaching your peak performance.

Introducing the Mindgym – your ultimate leadership training hub. This space reinforces essential principles and practices through live events and on-demand resources, ensuring continued growth and development. We champion execution as the foundation for achieving extraordinary results.

At our organization, we have meticulously crafted a suite of coaching programs under the banner of Peak 9, aimed at unlocking and maximizing your potential. Our objective is to significantly enhance your performance and assist you in achieving your ambitions that align with your dreams and desired lifestyle. We recognize that each individual possesses innate potential capable of achieving remarkable feats.

Peak 9 represents our pioneering coaching methodology, which is centered around our advanced performance and leadership principles. This system is fundamental to our approach in aiding individuals to excel. Through Peak 9, we offer an exploration into self-discovery, enabling you to understand your identity, capabilities, and optimal methods of operation.

We facilitate this transformative experience via group coaching sessions, available both live and through our dynamic streaming and on-demand platforms, catering to those with demanding schedules. Beyond Peak 9, we provide an array of workshops, coaching sessions, and learning opportunities designed to enhance your effectiveness and success in your professional endeavors. We are committed to providing continuous encouragement and support, essential for reaching peak performance levels.

Welcome to the Mindgym, your premier destination for engaging with our diverse coaching and training initiatives. Here, we reinforce essential principles, concepts, and practices that are vital for excelling in your ventures. The Mindgym offers a robust schedule of live events and digital content through our streaming and on-demand services. As a hub of leadership training, the Mindgym is dedicated to promoting execution as a fundamental aspect of life. There’s always something new to discover in the Mindgym—it is the ultimate space for leadership training and personal growth.

We have developed a number of coaching programs designed to help you discover, develop and deploy your potential. Our hope is that these programs will go a long way towards helping you maximize your performance and achieving the goals and aspirations that are connected to your dreams and the way you want to live life. We believe that everyone has potential that can be developed and harnessed to accomplish amazing goals. The system that we use is Peak 9, and it contains our performance and leadership concepts and practices which is at the heart of what we are doing to help people excel. Peak 9 is our innovative coaching system focused on enhancing your performance by helping you discover who you are, what you can do and how you do it best. We host group guided coaching sessions and make the content available through live events. We also offer live streaming and on demand services for those whose schedules does not allow them to attend the Live Events. In addition to Peak 9, we have developed a number of workshops, coaching sessions, and learning opportunities that are designed to help you be more effective and successful in whatever venture you are engaged in. We believe that everyone needs ongoing encouragement and support in order to reach their peak performance.

The Mindgym is where you will be introduced to the various coaching programs and training sessions. In the Mindgym, we are able to reinforce the principles, concepts and practices that are critical to your performance in ventures that you have undertaken. These sessions are hosted as live events and offered through our streaming and on-demand services. There is always something going on in the Mindgym! It is the ultimate leadership training space. We focus on execution as a way of life.

Do work better.

Results we get:

When individuals receive training and coaching to enhance their work performance and engagement through the development of personal leadership, the results can be transformative. By honing their leadership skills, employees learn to inspire and influence others, fostering a more collaborative and efficient work environment. This shift not only benefits the individuals themselves but also elevates the entire team, leading to increased productivity and innovation within the organization.

Furthermore, improving emotional intelligence (EQ) through training and coaching enables individuals to better understand and manage their own emotions, as well as effectively navigate interpersonal relationships. This heightened EQ empowers employees to communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts constructively, and make more informed decisions. As a result, teams become more cohesive, trust among colleagues deepens, and overall job satisfaction and engagement rise significantly. When coupled with learning how to strategically plan and execute tasks, the impact is even more pronounced, driving both personal and organizational success.


Do work better.

Who we serve

We serve anyone who wants to enhance their work performance

Anyone who wants to have a better understanding of how to get things done, and get it done right.

Our pathway was designed to help you in any area of your life that you are working towards accomplishing something. If you feel you need something that will help you get the edge and take your work to the next level, this is for you. If you feel stuck and unmotivated and want to get unstuck, this is for you. If you have never quite been able to accomplish your goals or lived fulfilled, this is for you.

FOR Those who want to take their performance to the next level

For those who want to optimize their potential and abilities

For those that are stuck and need to experience breakthrough

Do work better.

Our product + Services


This is our performance coaching system that was designed to help each person increase their performance and ability to accomplish their goals. We work with individuals in the four areas that are ultimately responsible for the outcomes and results that can be achieved.

Performance Coaching

Mindgym 9

The Mindgym is the area we have dedicated to providing coaching content that will help you experience breakthrough and extraordinary results. We created it to give you access to content that will keep you motivated and growing 24/7.

One on One

We have an array of coaches and coaching options for those who feel they need one on one coaching to get help in a specific area or with your general growth and development.

Performance Tools

Fuel 9 Identifier

The Fuel 9 Identifier takes you deeper into your motivations and tendencies. It is accurate and loaded with deep insights about your design. You will get the real 411 about what makes you who you are and why you do what you do. In this version of the Identifier a Fuel report has been added. It focuses on how people use their abilities to do the work they do.

Playbook 9 Personal

The Personal Playbook focuses on that helping each person develop the strategies and plans that will help them achieve their goals. The tools and coaching in this package form the foundation for all the other playbook packages. The guided journal and planner is a powerful tool to help them organize their time and stay connected emotionally.

Do work better.

We’d Love to work with you to help you achieve your coaching goals.