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We help leaders lead better.




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develop better leaders

Start a Leadership Revolution.

Leaders are vital to the success of any organization. Developing them is essential for any group to thrive and achieve its goals effectively. A strong leader sets the vision, motivates team members, and guides them towards success. They provide direction, make tough decisions when needed, and serve as a role model for others. Leaders help build a positive work culture, encourage collaboration, and drive innovation within the team. Without capable leaders, an organization may struggle to navigate challenges, inspire growth, and maintain momentum. In essence, leaders play a crucial role in shaping the future and driving progress within any organization or team.

develop better leaders

Leadership transforms everything

Leadership possesses a profound transformative power, evident in its ability to inspire, guide, and influence individuals and organizations toward a common goal or vision. Effective leadership fosters growth, drives innovation, and cultivates a positive work culture that empowers individuals to reach their full potential. The impact of steadfast and empathetic leadership can be seen in the motivation it instills, the collaboration it encourages, and the resilience it builds within teams. Through strategic direction, mentorship, and decisive action, leaders can navigate challenges, harness opportunities, and lead their teams toward success and progress. Ultimately, leadership serves as a catalyst for change, shaping the present and shaping the future for the better.

develop better leaders

Developing the leader within

To enhance effectiveness in the workplace, developing the leader within oneself is crucial. Cultivating leadership qualities involves self-awareness, continuous learning, and fostering strong relationships with colleagues. By honing skills such as communication, problem-solving, and decision-making, individuals can better inspire and motivate their team toward shared goals. Embracing challenges as growth opportunities, seeking mentorship, and taking initiative in projects are ways to nurture leadership capabilities. Empowering others, leading by example, and adapting to changes are also vital aspects of becoming a successful leader. Overall, investing in personal leadership development not only boosts performance at work but also cultivates a positive and productive work environment.

develop better leaders

transformational Leaders

Leaders who possess the ability to transform organizations often exhibit diverse characteristics and approaches. Visionary Leaders stand out for their forward-thinking mindset, inspiring others with a compelling vision of the future and charting a clear path for success. Servant Leaders prioritize the well-being and development of their team members, fostering a culture of empathy, collaboration, and growth within the organization. Transformational Leaders drive change by challenging the status quo, encouraging innovation, and empowering their teams to exceed expectations. Lastly, Adaptive Leaders demonstrate agility and resilience in navigating complexities and uncertainties, adapting strategies to align with evolving business landscapes.

develop better leaders

Developing your leaders through coaching

The power of utilizing coaching to develop leaders in an organization lies in its ability to unlock the full potential of individuals, driving personal growth, organizational effectiveness, and sustainable success. Coaching provides a tailored and personalized approach to leadership development, offering leaders the opportunity to reflect on their strengths, identify areas for improvement, and set goals for continuous growth. Through supportive and challenging conversations, coaches empower leaders to enhance their self-awareness, emotional intelligence, communication skills, and decision-making capabilities. By fostering a culture of learning and development, coaching not only equips leaders with the tools and competencies needed to navigate complex challenges but also cultivates a mindset of curiosity, resilience, and adaptability. Ultimately, coaching enables leaders to inspire, motivate, and empower their teams, driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and achieving extraordinary results. As leaders grow and thrive through coaching, they become catalysts for positive change, driving organizational excellence and propelling the organization toward its vision and goals.

develop better leaders

Training your leaders to coach

Training your leaders to coach can have a profound impact on an organization's success. By equipping leaders with coaching skills, they can better understand their team members, foster a culture of growth and development, and improve overall performance. Coaching encourages open communication, builds trust, and empowers employees to reach their full potential. Leaders who are trained to coach can effectively guide their teams through challenges, provide constructive feedback, and facilitate learning opportunities. This approach not only enhances team dynamics but also helps in creating a more engaged and motivated workforce, ultimately driving better results for the organization as a whole.


develop better leaders


 Lead q9

Our self-assessment tool is designed to measure the strength of 9 key leadership characteristics through a series of targeted questions, allowing individuals to gain insights into their leadership capabilities and areas for development. By evaluating traits such as communication, decision-making, and adaptability, this assessment enables a comprehensive understanding of one's leadership style and effectiveness.


Our self-assessment tool provides a comprehensive evaluation to help individuals uncover their unique leadership style, enhancing self-awareness and personal growth in professional settings. Identify your predominant leadership characteristics and tendencies through a series of thoughtful questions designed to illuminate your innate strengths and areas for development.

develop better leaders

Leadership Capacities we help develop

We work with leaders and coaches who want to increase their overall effectiveness in creating alignments, engagement, and high levels of performance. The training will give you deep insights, a road map, and the skills you need to exponentially increase the results you are getting through your current engagement and leadership skill set. We work with every facet of your development as a coach to ensure you can help people accomplish their goals and fulfill their dreams. We also work with problematic areas that each coach might be facing as they are transitioning from a leader as the boss model to the leader as a coach model.

Visionary Leadership:

Coaches support leaders in developing a compelling vision for the future, inspiring others to rally behind shared goals and aspirations. Visionary leaders can articulate a clear direction for the organization, ignite passion and commitment among team members, and drive transformative change.


Coaches assist leaders in developing sound decision-making capabilities, including the ability to analyze information, weigh options, and consider the long-term implications of their choices. By improving decision-making skills, leaders can navigate uncertainty and make informed decisions that drive organizational success.

Influence and Persuasion:

Coaches assist leaders in honing their ability to influence and persuade others, whether it's inspiring team members, gaining buy-in from stakeholders, or negotiating win-win agreements. Effective influencers can motivate others to take action and rally support for shared objectives.

Goal Setting:

Coaches assist leaders in setting clear, achievable goals aligned with the organization's vision and strategic objectives. By defining specific targets and milestones, leaders can focus their efforts, track progress, and drive results effectively.

Emotional Intelligence:

Coaches help leaders enhance their emotional intelligence, including skills such as self-regulation, empathy, and social awareness. By developing emotional intelligence, leaders can build stronger relationships, manage conflicts effectively, and inspire trust and collaboration among team members.

Conflict Resolution:

Coaches support leaders in developing conflict resolution skills and strategies, including the ability to address conflicts constructively, facilitate difficult conversations, and find win-win solutions. Effective conflict resolution fosters a culture of trust, collaboration, and mutual respect within the organization.

Collaboration+ Team Building:

Coaches help leaders cultivate collaboration and team-building skills, including the ability to foster trust, delegate effectively, and harness the collective intelligence of diverse teams. Strong team builders can create high-performing teams that work cohesively towards common goals.

Talent Development:

Coaches support leaders in identifying and nurturing the potential of their team members through targeted development initiatives and opportunities. By investing in talent development, leaders can build a skilled and motivated workforce capable of driving organizational success both now and in the future.

Communication Skills:

Coaches support leaders in honing their communication skills, including active listening, effective storytelling, and clear articulation of ideas. Strong communication skills enable leaders to convey their vision, inspire others, and foster open dialogue within the organization.

Strategic Thinking:

Coaches support leaders in developing strategic thinking skills, including the ability to anticipate trends, identify strategic priorities, and align actions with organizational goals. Strategic thinkers can envision the future direction of the organization and develop plans to achieve long-term success.


Coaches help leaders cultivate adaptability and resilience in the face of change and uncertainty. By embracing change as an opportunity for growth and learning, leaders can lead their teams through transitions effectively and capitalize on new opportunities.


Coaches help leaders establish a culture of accountability where individuals take ownership of their actions, responsibilities, and outcomes. By holding themselves and others accountable, leaders foster trust, integrity, and a commitment to excellence within the organization.

develop better leaders

OUr approach

Developing Leaders

At Coach Tech 9, we recognize the profound impact of developing leaders through coaching. By providing personalized guidance and support, we empower individuals to enhance their skills, gain self-awareness, and unlock their true potential. Through focused coaching sessions, leaders can explore new perspectives, set achievable goals, and cultivate the essential qualities needed to navigate complex challenges in today's fast-paced world. Investing in leadership development not only benefits the individual but also strengthens teams and drives organizational success. At Coach Tech 9, we are committed to fostering leadership excellence through our expert coaching services.

Shifting your leadership style and paradigm to a coaching style will not only help others, but it will have a profound impact on your life.

We aim to help you powerfully serve those you lead and coach.

Leading and coaching will impact every relationship you have, whether in a formal leadership position or not. We have taken our 30+ years of leadership development and personal growth & development experience and created a system that will give you the tools and insights you need to lead and coach anyone.

You will begin to see a difference from the first training session. We start by helping each person look inside and strengthen the areas that allow you to get the results you are looking to achieve. You will be amazed as you better understand how people are motivated and get things done. You will better understand what you can do to enhance that process and the potential in each person you interact with. One of the big takeaways from our training is the insights you will gain about yourself and your leadership style. You will also gain deep and invaluable insight about others that will allow you to better connect with them and understand their unique perspective and value systems. This will go a long way toward helping them find their place in the vision and mission of their work. They will become more productive and self-directed than ever before. They will leave your sessions with greater confidence and belief in their ability to do the work asked of them. Leaders who take on a leading coaching style can expect to see those they are leading respond in positive ways.

know you

Care for you

guide you

Know others

Care for others

guide others

develop better leaders

Results we get:

We train you to get the people you are working with and leading to be more self-directed and connected to the results and not just focused on the effort of the work. They will begin to be able to engage in the critical thinking and execution that is needed to achieve the goals that have been set. They will learn to work with the people and resources that are around them as well as their internal capacities and competencies to take their work to another level in everything they do. This will allow your clients and those you lead to get unbelievable outcomes and break through into new levels of success.

Everyone needs a coach, and every leader needs to know how to coach to be effective in helping people reach their full potential, maximize their performance, and ultimately achieve their goals.

The best result a coach can get is to help those they are leading discover their potential and develop it to do the work that will allow them to achieve their goals. A part of this process includes each person understanding what goals they should have and how to map a strategic course of action toward realizing those goals.  

develop better leaders

who we serve?


All kinds of leaders that wants to use coaching to help those they lead to be more productive and successful in the work they do.


Anyone interested in starting a coaching career and/or business. We focus on the most important segment of starting and thriving in a coaching business.


Adding the amazing tools, resources and insights from this training will exponentially increase your effectiveness and the results you are able to get for your client.

develop better leaders

OUr products + services

Altitude 9

Leadership Development

Developing your leadership capacity is one of the best things you can do to exponentially increase your ability to successfully achieve your goals in any endeavor. Altitude is a leadership training tool and platform. It was developed to empower people from all walks of life to grow their potential in the area of leadership. We believe everyone can and should lead. The purpose of Altitude is to provide each person with resources that will shift their paradigm about this critical area and give them solid education and training, which will allow them to rapidly learn and integrate these insights into their day-to-day situations.

Coach Training + Certification

Coach Training

Coach Core 9 is our coach training program that introduces you to coaching methodologies and helps you build coaching techniques. In addition to human design and basic coaching skills, you will learn about various coaching methodologies and how to utilize them. Coach Core 9 will also help you develop and build your coaching techniques and programs to deliver world-class leadership and coaching. You will come away with an elite level of coaching skills and abilities that you need to impact the lives of each person you are leading.

Executive Coaching

Lead Coach 9 is our executive coaching service. We provide coaching for those in leadership who want to enhance their performance or want to understand how to deal with specific performance issues they are having with their teams, groups, and organizations. We have a group of coaches who have been trained and have experience in partnering with leaders to be more effective. Our coaches will support and encourage each leader they coach to excel and dig deep inside to use their gifts, abilities, and other resources in creative ways that will allow them to do amazing things.

Leadership Tools

The Pro Identifier is the best of the best! It combines the amazing insights of the Advance report with the Architect Tool Kit. It was designed to give you advanced and deep insights about every aspect of your life. The worktype and the leadtype tools will prove to be especially helpful in giving you an advantage in the work that you do and who you do it with.

The Leadership Playbook adds to the Personal Playbook some essential tools and coaching for helping leaders achieve their goals and helping others achieve their goals. It will also help each leader keep track of the important aspects of the work they are doing. There is a section that also focuses on the well being of the leader.

develop better leaders

We’d Love to work with you to help you achieve your coaching goals.