build better teams.

teamwork makes the dream work.

Teamwork is a fundamental ingredient for achieving organizational success in today's dynamic business landscape. When individuals collaborate effectively towards a common goal, they bring together a diverse set of skills, experiences, and perspectives that can lead to innovative solutions and robust decision-making. By working as a team, individuals can leverage each other's strengths, cover for weaknesses, and ultimately achieve more than what any single person could accomplish alone.

build better teams.

Synergy + Harmony

Moreover, teamwork fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose among team members, promoting a positive work environment that can enhance motivation and productivity. When individuals feel supported by their teammates, they are more likely to take risks, share ideas openly, and engage in constructive debates that can drive continuous improvement and growth within the organization. Ultimately, organizations that prioritize teamwork are better positioned to adapt to change, overcome challenges, and achieve sustainable success in the long run.

build better teams.

Coaching to increase collaboration + teamwork

Coaching plays a crucial role in enhancing teamwork and collaboration within a work environment. By providing individuals with the necessary guidance and support, coaches help team members understand each other's strengths, weaknesses, and communication styles better. Through coaching sessions, team members can develop a deeper sense of trust and mutual respect, fostering an environment where they can collaborate effectively towards shared goals. Coaches also facilitate open communication channels, encourage active listening, and promote problem-solving skills within the team. Overall, coaching empowers individuals to work together cohesively, leverage each other's skills, and ultimately achieve greater success through enhanced teamwork and collaboration.

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 Team Capabilities we help develop

We help teams get a better understanding of those they work with and how to work with the various talents they are surrounded by. Understanding who you are working with will help dispel many of the things that bring disconnection and misunderstandings. It all starts with working together and getting high-level results as you go after your goals with your team. Many dynamics and factors factor into the results you get as a team. We use our experiential learning tools & methods and our team coaching methods & skills to help you build amazing teams. For those who want to go deeper, we have team coaching tools and experiential learning tools for training. Another facet of our work with teams is the help we provide to teams that have gotten off track and are struggling to get along and work together.

Team Dynamics and Cohesion:

Coaches assess team dynamics and help strengthen cohesion among team members. By fostering a sense of camaraderie, mutual support, and shared purpose, teams can build stronger bonds, overcome challenges together, and achieve greater levels of synergy and collaboration.

Conflict Resolution:

Coaches facilitate conflict resolution strategies and techniques to help teams address disagreements and conflicts constructively. By promoting open dialogue, empathy, and compromise, teams can resolve conflicts in a timely manner, strengthen relationships, and maintain focus on achieving shared objectives.

Communication Skills:

Coaches work on enhancing communication skills within the team, including active listening, effective articulation, and assertive expression. By improving communication, teams can share information, ideas, and feedback more openly and transparently, fostering a culture of trust and collaboration.

Collaborative Decision-Making:

Coaches facilitate collaborative decision-making processes that involve all team members in problem-solving and solution-finding. By leveraging the diverse perspectives and expertise of team members, teams can make better-informed decisions, increase buy-in and commitment, and achieve consensus more effectively.

Goal Alignment:

Coaches assist teams in aligning their goals with the organization's mission and strategic priorities. By ensuring alignment, teams understand their purpose, direction, and collective impact, which motivates them to work together toward common objectives and outcomes.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement:

Coaches promote a culture of feedback and continuous improvement within the team. By providing regular feedback, celebrating successes, and identifying areas for growth, teams can learn from their experiences, adapt their approaches, and strive for excellence in their performance.

Building Trust and Psychological Safety:

Coaches foster trust and psychological safety within the team, creating an environment where team members feel safe to take risks, share ideas, and express concerns without fear of judgment or reprisal. By building trust, teams can collaborate more effectively, innovate freely, and achieve higher levels of performance.

Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities:

Coaches help teams define clear roles and responsibilities for each team member, ensuring everyone understands their contributions to the team's goals. By clarifying expectations, teams can minimize confusion, duplication of efforts, and conflicts, leading to improved efficiency and productivity.


Coaches guide teams in developing effective problem-solving skills by providing frameworks, tools, and techniques to analyze complex issues and generate creative solutions. By encouraging a systematic approach to problem-solving, teams can identify root causes, evaluate options, and implement sustainable solutions that address underlying challenges.

build better teams.

our approach

Building Teams

Learning to build your team better might be the most important thing you can do to accomplish your goals.

Our objective is to provide team-building moments and tools that will help you work collaboratively and creatively toward the success that you believe is possible.

We love partnering with teams to share our tools and insights about team building and teamwork. We believe that building a great team is one of the most fulfilling things a leader can do, but it is also one of the most difficult ventures to undertake. We specialize in getting teams to work together and achieve amazing results.

We conduct team-building exercises designed to bring teams together. The various challenges that make up our team-building coaching sessions is meant to be a combination of learning experiences and diagnostic tools. We are excited about working with your team to help you increase your productivity through increasing your harmony and synergy. Building teams is an important aspect of meeting the goals that are crucial to your overall success. Helping your team to overcome the obstacles that prevent it from gelling and flowing is one of the most important tasks that you have as a leader.

Building teams is an important aspect of getting things accomplished in your business. Getting people to work together allows you to harness and leverage the individual skills and abilities of everyone working toward the goal.

Here are the three things we do to equip and enhance your teams.

Training on Team dynamics

Understanding team dynamics helps improve communication, resolve conflicts effectively, and foster a collaborative environment among team members. Training teams on team dynamics enhances productivity, boosts morale, and strengthens relationships, leading to higher performance and successful outcomes in projects.

Teambuilding exercises

Our team-building exercises were designed to enhance five major areas: communication, collaboration,problem-solving skills and trust. By fostering trust and empathy within the team, these exercises can result in stronger relationships and a more cohesive work environment.

Coaching to encourage application

We provide coaching that is focused on getting each person and the team at large apply the insights and knowledge they have gottn through the other two aspects of this process. Learning and experiencing isn’t enough. The results you are lookinf for happen when their is application.

build better teams.

Results we get:

 You’re going to see your team or teams working together because they are more aware of those on the team and how they work. They will also be more aware of the dynamics that exist around them working together. They will be able to take specific actions to rectify the various obstacles that stand in the way of them working together. Their level of harmony and synergy will dramatically increase, giving the team the ability to tackle more and more difficult problems. They will rely on each other’s gifts and abilities because a deep trust and confidence will develop as each person’s buy-in deepens, and their commitment to the team’s success increases.

Coaching serves as the secret sauce for turbocharging teamwork and collaboration at work. By illuminating individual strengths and fostering trust, coaches create a synergy that transforms teams into powerhouse collaborators, propelling them towards shared triumphs with finesse.

build better teams.

Who do we serve?

We work with teams of all types. We know that each team is unique and has its own way of doing things, so our approach is to get to know the teams we are working with first. Then, we customize a plan that will help them work together. Some teams are standalone groups, and some are a part of a bigger organization or group. We can work with either kind.

We know that every team is different, so no cookie cutter approaches here.


build better teams.

OUr products and services

Radius 9 is our team building program. We work with teams to help them identify their strengths and weaknesses. We use experiential learning to help them work through these areas and learn how to trust and rely on each other. Each team is able to grow and experience breakthrough in a relatively small amount of time because of what they experience and learn about themselves and one another. We work on things like communication, cooperation, coordination, problem solving, trust and conflict resolution.

We train leaders to use our amazing team building system on their own to help build better teams, and to improve the teams they have already built. They will learn the dynamics of experiential learning as well how to create challenges, programs and courses. They will find that R.O.P.E.S is an invaluable tool that can be used over and over again to take their teams to the next level. Having this tool within their organization will prove to be a game changer.

Team Coach 9 is our executive coaching for teams. We work with teams to overcome the obstacles that are keeping them from achieving amazing results. Our goal is to help them perform at peak levels. Each team is different, so we do a thorough assessment of each team that we work with to ensure the insights we are sharing are useful and accurate. We have tools and processes that will provide your team with the insights they need to build the culture and chemistry that will allow them to perform in ways they never could have imagined.

Teambuilding Tool

The Team 9 Identifier offers our Psychometric Tools to your entire team. You can chose between the Fuel 9 or Pro 9 identifiers. You can also mix and match them according to the type of insights you want to hone into. It comes with the team design charts and a coaching session for your entire team. You can purchase additional sessions or the masterclass to enhance your teams understanding of how their motivational design factors into the work they are doing.

Teambuilding tool

The Team Playbook is actual three in one tool. It contains three different Playbook Tools and sessions. Each member will receive access to the tools and the training that goes with them. The Leader of the team will receive the tools and training for the Playbook Sessions designed for Leaders. The team will also receive the tools and the training that will help them align their vision and efforts.

build better teams.

We’d Love to work with you to help you achieve your coaching goals.