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This is where you take off!

This is where you breakthrough!

This is where you do what you have never done before!

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Peak 9 is our transformational performance training program. It was designed to give you the essential insights, tools and practices necessary for you to face and achieve any endeavor that you choose to undertake!

We help people develop the mental & emotional conditioning and strategies to breakthrough and succeed in any and every endeavor they undertake.

You are going to breakthrough! Guaranteed!

Discover and optimize your potential

Discovering your innate abilities and developing them is one of the number one ways you can increase your performance and accomplish the goals you have set. We work with what we call your Motivational Design to give you a better understanding of why you do what you do and how to fuel it to get the things you need to get done.

Create your personal growth and development plan

Your own custom personal growth and development plan will allow you to key into the areas that are most important to you. It will ensure that you have a program that has taken into consideration the specific areas that are responsible for the outcomes that are nearest and dearest to your heart.

Enhance your personal performance in every area

We help you target the elements of your performance that need strengthening. You are going to function at a higher level of readiness and competency than you have ever before. Your ability to achieve your goals and accomplish your dreams will allow you to live the life that you have always wanted to live.


Become a Performance Powerhouse. Get the momentum you need to overcome any obstacle and accomplish the goals that you need to fulfill your dreams and aspirations.

The principles and models that make up Peak 9 are the power behind our coaching system and methodology. It is second to none. You WILL leave these sessions charged and ready to create the momentum you need to breakthrough and accomplish your goals. You will get a combination of deep insights about yourself, and practical principles and practices you can immediately put into action. You will also get a plethora of tools that will allow you to leverage your newfound skills and abilities. Peak 9 is a combination of five different focuses crafted into one to give you a holistic approach to enhancing your performance and ability to get things done. It was designed to help you reach your peak performance! Peak performance means the highest level at which you are able to perform. This training takes you through the ‘physics of performance’ where you will learn about the various properties of performance such as momentum, energy, time, etc.  You will also go deeper into the details about what it takes for you to achieve peak level performance in any area of your life.  You will create a map to help you identify areas of opportunities in the projects and various tasks you are doing.  These coaching sessions were designed to give you a very different perspective and understanding of what it takes to succeed. 

Peak 9 is a unique coaching program designed to help each person achieve remarkable results from the work they do.  We want to see you exponentially increase your results in any area of life or work that you are working to see results from.  It is a unique combination of training, coaching and education that is driven by understanding your unique motivational design.  Teaching you how to position yourself, fuel and develop your design is the key you’ve needed to breakthrough and achieve the impossible while sustaining your forward movement towards fulfilling your dreams.

We have five sections of Peak 9 and an ongoing variety of courses that will help you stay motivated in your quest to accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams.

Excel and Supersede every expectation!

Here are a few of the benefits of going through Peak 9:

Increase your mental and emotional stamina

Fuel your unique motivational DESIGN

Exponentially increase your ability to get breakthrough in every area

Increase your focus and concentration

KeyING into your “WHY” creates clarity and direction

Develop your capacity to get things done

Increase your EQ and social awareness ability

Develop the skills to create strategic plans

Increase your ability to get peak performance from yourself

4 Amazing Modules

module 1.0

P9 Fit

P9 Fit: This is our determination system.  It is where we grow the focus and dedication needed to achieve the impossible.  You will learn how your mindset is one of your most valuable assets you will need to accomplish your goals and aspiration.  In order to have the right mindset, you have to be what we call mindfit.  Mindfit is a state in which you are able to think, process, desire and choose the things that are best for you over and over again, until it is your norm and you have built a lifestyle around it. You will learn to develop your personal resolve and determination to create a greater level of focus and productivity.

4 hours

Girt and devotion


Mental & Emotional Stamina


Focus & Decisiveness


module 1.1

P9 Compass

P9 Compass: Forward movement isn’t just about the power to push forward, it’s about the precision that direction gives.  We need to know where we are going in order to be successful.  Movement without direction is just motion, and it will get us nowhere. Your ultimate sense of direction comes from your “why”. Discovering what is driving you is essential to understanding what you are even doing with your life and the activities that express and fulfill it.  Making sure that you have the right why is crucial to maintaining both your sense of direction and staying motivated to excel in the work you are doing.

4 hours

Plotting the Course

Purpose & Potential

VisioN & Mission


Syncing and Aligning Goals


module 1.2

P9 Workology

P9 Workology: In order to get anywhere in life you have to put in the work.  In fact, a huge part of our purpose and the contribution that we were put here on earth for is work.  Work is how we unleash our gift and move forward in life.  Getting things done is the key to moving forward and seeing our goals and dreams accomplished.  Learning how to work is critical to doing the work that is before us.  It is one of the most invaluable skill sets that you will obtain in your life.  Through your work, all the other skills are able to grow and are utilized toward the outcomes that you need to achieve in order to be successful.  

4 hours

Progress/Forward Movement

Work Concepts

Goal Continuum


Work Ethics


module 1.3

P9 Level up

P9 Level Up: Level Up is centered around understanding and developing your personal KPI (Key Performance Indicators) as a means to measure and improve on your performance in any area of your life. It will help you to push yourself to the next level of performance and outcomes that will allow you to accomplish things that you never thought were possible.  The principles and practices are simple, but mastering them will take a lifetime. P9 Level Up will provide you with the essentials you need to strive toward and build your personal momentum and achieve personal breakthrough. You will be able to develop the routines, rituals and habits that will take your skill to the next level.

4 hours

Getting Coached/Trained and Supported


Developing habits, routines and rituals

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Peak Principles for Breakthrough and Excelling

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Leading yourself


4 Sessions

Peak Jumpstart is our introduction to the principles, practices and concepts that make up the heart of our performance coaching and training system. We designed Jumpstart for those that are looking to get a better understanding of what we do in the performance coaching area. It will introduce you to the four vital areas that impact your performance. You can use these sessions to build your momentum and seamlessly move through the other Peak 9 coaching sessions.

Sale Price:$100.00 Original Price:$250.00
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8 Sessions

This is our flagship coaching product. It was designed to give each person the basic elements of our system. We have helped thousands experience breakthrough and new levels of momentum in reaching their goals and fulfilling their dreams. You will never be the same.

This will give you 15% off your first two sessions of One-on-One Professional Coaching and $150 off any Coach Certification Products.

Peak 9 Essential
Sale Price:$300.00 Original Price:$500.00
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16 Sessions

This program comes with our trackbook accountability system and training sessions. The trackbook is a tool we designed to give each person a visual aid for managing their projects and tasks.

This will give you 15% off your first two sessions of One-on-One Professional Coaching and $250 off any Coach Certification Products.

Peak Essential Included

Peak Pro
Sale Price:$500.00 Original Price:$750.00
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16+4 Sessions

This product is for leaders and their teams and organizations. It was designed to bring all of the elements of Peak to leaders and the groups they lead.

This will give you 15% off your first two sessions of One-on-One Professional Coaching and $375 off any Coach Certification Products.

Peak 9 Plus Included

Peak 9 LM
Sale Price:$750.00 Original Price:$1,000.00
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We’d Love to work with you to help you achieve your coaching goals.