
What is the mindgym?

The Mindgym is the  platform we have created to provide each of our coachees and coaches with top of the line coaching materials.  It is a portal through which they can interact with their coaches and the material that is being used to coach them.  We have various programs, resources and content for personal and professional growth and development.  These programs, resources and content is the foundation for the work that we do with those we are partnering with in coaching.  The Mindgym is for those who have went through or are going through our Peak Training or Bootcamp. 

The Mindgym has three compartments. The first is our training and coaching area. This is where we deliver our world class training and coaching program. There are a variety of programs that focus on many different personal growth and development areas. The second is our motivational area. This is where we support the community of partners with amazing content and interactions. This is the area that we have created to bring inspirational and motivational content to you. The third is the coaches circle. This is where our coaches, both internal and external, go to get support and ongoing education and training. This is where we help the coaches continue to learn and grow. We want them to stay sharp and focused as well as be a part of a community of high performing coaches and leaders.

All of our training and coaching programs come with basic access to the Mindgym. You can upgrade it and extend it according to your needs. If you aren’t taking a basic course, you will need to at least take the Mindgym 101 course to get access to the other courses.


Through the Mindgym platform you can get access to all of our on demand content. We have a variety of training material that includes our coach core training. We created this area to provide ongoing training for continuous growth and development. Training is such an important part of our personal and professional growth and development journey. It gives us the essentials for growing in knowledge and skill.


We know how precious motivation and inspiration is. We also know how hard it is to find it when you need it. In fact, we need a dose of it everyday to maintain our momentum and continue to achieve the goals we have. This section of the Mindgym focuses on sharing motivation from a variety of resources that we have gathered and that the coaches at CT9 have developed.


This is our coach corner and community. We provide ongoing support and encouragement for all of our coaches. This is where we share our collective experience, wisdom and insights with our coaching group. It is an atmosphere of honor and generosity as well as high energy and performance. Each of the sessions are recorded and can be accessed as on demand content by those in the HUDDLE.


Training & Growth


This is the GYM. This is where we conduct most of our training and skill building. We have an archive of past group guided coaching sessions as well as new titles and content for each month.


It all starts with training. This is where you will get the information and the insights you are going to need to make the changes toward the goals and skills you want to acquire. As you develop a lifelong learning mindset, you will get more and more from each session.


Don’t just listen to something that you have found to be impactful one time. Listen to it over and over again. This is where growth begins. Then, you will begin to get clear on what you can do to implement that truth or practice into your life.

MoVe 9

Motivation & Inspiration


Move 9 is about the inspiration and motivation you are going to need to breakthrough and sustain your next level of performance. We know that it is enough to just know what to do or have a plan, but you have to be motivated to put that plan into action. Sometimes that’s not easy. There are a lot of factors that contribute to your ability to get things done and move forward with you plans. We have created a variety of motivational content for you, your team and organization to access and stir up your fire and passion.



All movement starts and is sustained from within. Getting in gear to go forward isn’t always easy, but it is essential to accomplishing your goals and fulfilling your dreams. Motivation is such an important aspect of getting things done.


When we are motivated, we feel alive and it is easier to get and stay inspired. It’s also where we can inspire others, encouraging them to do things they have never done before. Knowing what inspires you is critical to positioning yourself in the right environments and atmospheres that spark that inspiration.

Huddle 9

Coach Development & Support


This is an exclusive area for our coaches. It is a place of support and encouragement as well as learning and growing. We have the opportunity to share our experiences, deep insights and wisdom from our journey of helping people become all they can be.



Developing as a coach and leader is going to take more than knowledge, it’s also going to take others. It is going to take a community of helpers, those who have dedicated their lives to helping others become great and who are willing to pay the price for that greatness. The path toward growth and development is not always easy, but it is easier when you have others growing and developing with you. Becoming not only a great coach but the best version of yourself is going to be so rewarding.


Support can mean different things to different people. What it means to us is providing the encouragement and help anyone needs to do the things that are important to them. In this case, it is coaching. We want to come along for the ride on your journey to becoming the coach you always knew you could be. So many people’s lives are going to change, and we want to cheer you on and help in any way we can.

There are three ways to access the material in the Mindgym 9.


All the material in the Mindgym is accessible as on demand content. You can purchase access to them individually or as a group of products and programs.

This area will expand each week.


Each Coach Package has different levels of access to the Mindgym. The access is specific to the type of coach training you are receiving and the type of offer that is available at the time of purchase. You can always purchase additional products and access.