the ct9 way

Coaching is the fastest way to transform your organization…

  In one study, executive coaching had a 788% ROI thanks to increases in areas like productivity and employee satisfaction. 77% of respondents said that coaching had a significant impact on at least one of nine business measurements.


And the best way to increase your productivity in every area.




The most successful companies master four critical aspects, every single time.

 Our work focuses on the four areas that will help you deliver amazing results across your entire organization. These areas are responsible for the results you are getting. We have studying human behavior for more than 55 years.

Develop Leaders

Train Engaged High-Performers

Build Collaborative Teams

Cultivate a Win-Win Culture

Below we we share in detail how these areas impact an organization’s ability to achieve its goals and achieve its dreams.

Developing your ORGANIZATION'S coaching competency is the number one way to impact these areas of your organization.

our coaching transforms organizations by empowering them to

Developing leaders within an organization is a transformative process that can significantly impact its success. By investing in leadership development programs, companies can nurture talent, boost employee engagement, and drive innovation. Organizations that prioritize grooming future leaders create a culture of continuous growth and adaptability, positioning themselves for long-term success.

Engaged and high-performing workers have the ability to drive productivity and innovation within an organization, leading to significant growth and success. Their passion and dedication inspire their colleagues to excel, creating a positive and cohesive work culture. With their proactive approach and focus on results, they not only meet but exceed expectations, setting a high standard for performance across the organization.

Cooperative and collaborative teams play a pivotal role in transforming organizations by promoting idea-sharing and innovation, leading to improved problem-solving and decision-making processes. Through effective communication and teamwork, these teams can enhance productivity, employee engagement, and overall job satisfaction within the organization. By fostering a culture of trust and mutual support, cooperative and collaborative teams create a cohesive environment that drives success and fosters continuous growth and development.

Win-win cultures create a sense of collaboration among team members, fostering a supportive environment where everyone's contributions are acknowledged and valued equally. This leads to increased innovation and creativity as employees feel empowered to share ideas without fear of judgement or competition. Ultimately, organizations with win-win cultures experience higher employee satisfaction, engagement, and productivity, driving overall success and growth.

In today's competitive landscape, organizations that harness their collective potential can achieve remarkable results. By aligning their resources towards a common goal, these organizations have the power to innovate, adapt, and surpass expectations. The synergy created within such focused entities not only drives success but also paves the way for sustained excellence in their respective fields.

Our work focuses on helping your people optimize their potential and maximize their performance.

We know more about how people excel than anyone else in the world.

We’d Love to work with you to help you achieve your coaching goals.