Leadership development



Developing your leadership capacity is one of the best things you can do to exponentially increase your ability to successfully achieve your goals in any endeavor.

Altitude is a unique leadership tool and resource for you to enhance your leadership ability and get the amazing results that come from adding leadership to whatever you are doing.  

It represents my 25+ years of leadership experience.  

Altitude is a leadership training tool and platform that I developed to empower people from all walks of life to grow their potential in the area of leadership and creativity.  I believe everyone can and should lead.  I also believe everyone is creative and can innovate using their special creative abilities.  The purpose of Altitude is to provide each person with resources that will shift their paradigm about these two critical areas and give them solid education and training, which allows them to rapidly learn and integrate this information into their day-to-day situations.  Altitude has various resources for each person. These resources are based on my 25 years of experience in leading people around the world and in many different contexts and organizations.   

“If everything rises with leadership...
If everyone can lead and will lead at some point...
If leadership exponentially increases your effectiveness...
Why aren’t there classes in every school, workplace, church, community, etc.?”


Leadership is such an important part of developing society and getting people to where they need to be.  Just as John Maxwell says, everything really does rise and fall with leadership.  In fact, the history of mankind is centered around leaders and how they influenced the world in positive or negative ways.  Countries and groups rise and fall can be seen through the leaders who steered it in one direction or another.  Everyone can and has been a leader in some way in their lives.  We have all been first or in an advanced position at some point.  An advanced position always has an impact on others.  The concept and term leader is really a neutral one, meaning that we are the ones who make it good or bad.  But whether you are a good or bad leader, you are still a leader. Therefore, it is important for us to understand leadership and how to use it to help us accomplish the things we are endeavoring to achieve.  

Developing your leadership capacity and skill is one of the most important investments you can make.  You're going to get an exponential return on your investment. Your ability to get things done, successfully move toward and accomplish your goals, and influence others will skyrocket. Developing what I call the leader within will affect your bottom line financially as well as the relationships you are involved in.


Leadership Development

These are the six leadership training programs that I have created based on 25+ years of leading, studying, and experience.  I developed them to provide tools and resources in the form of knowledge, processes, insights and experiences.  Each program is different from the others because they offer something unique and target a specific area that needs to be developed. My goal is to provide a well-rounded approach to leading that would be applicable for any leader in any situation.  


Leadership Core Training

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