Unleash the power of coaching across your entire organization.

Get access to our complete CT9 Training Suite created specifically for organizations that want to excel by shifting their leadership model and creating engaged high performers.

Tribe 9 is our all-in-one performance training system and solution. We created it to give organizations, big and small, the tools and insights that they need to create a high-performing culture. It was designed to bring all the tools and resources that we have used over the years. You will be able to take advantage of our deep insights and practices as well as the years of wisdom and momentum for the breakthrough.

our method for insane optimization on a macro level.

The goal is to come alongside your leaders to design solutions for issues that you face concerning your performance. Tribe 9 takes the understanding of motivational design and infuses it into business communities that are seeking innovative methods and models that can help increase internal morale and productivity for the overall business.

Tribe 9 is a coaching program for groups that want to cultivate a high-performance culture through coaching and empowering each person to become their best. It focuses on four things:

Training everyone to operate at their optimal level. They will have the training and tools to excel at whatever they are doing.

Training leaders to adopt and use a coaching style of leadership to help those they are leading to optimize their potential and performance.

Get teams and groups to work together to increase productivity and goal achievement through an increase in harmony and synergy.

Transform the culture of your organization by resetting the values, mindsets, and behavior of both the people in the organization and its leaders.

 level up your entire organization

Tribe 9

What is included?

Tools and training for everyone!

We have taken our premier training products and services and created a bundle that will take your perform

What is included?

Core Coach

elite coach training

Get Coach + Leadership Training for all of your leaders and managers.


Performance system and training

Get Performance Training + coaching for everyone in your organization.

Playbook 9

tools + INsights

Implement Powerful systems to support your coaching culture.

Our playbook method and system is how we integrate our system into your. It is the strategies and tools you’ll need to

The Playbook was designed to bring everything together the easential strategies

Tribe 9 is our Premier Performance Product for Teams and Organizations that care about building a winning culture as well as a healthy thriving culture.

Who is right for Tribe 9?

executive Leaders and Managers

Leaders and managers who transition to a coaching style of leadership tend to empower their teams, fostering a more collaborative and innovative work environment. By focusing on developing their team members' skills and potential, these leaders create a strong sense of engagement and loyalty, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction within the organization.

Teams and Departments

Teams and departments within an organization undergo transformation through a coaching leadership approach by fostering open communication, trust, and collaboration among team members, leading to improved morale and productivity. This approach also empowers individuals to take ownership of their work, develop new skills, and embrace continuous learning, resulting in a dynamic and adaptable organizational culture.

Branches Organizations

Creating a coaching culture within an organization can lead to increased employee engagement, improved team performance, and enhanced leadership skills, ultimately boosting the overall effectiveness of the organization. By encouraging open communication, collaboration, and continuous learning through coaching, employees are empowered to reach their full potential, driving innovation and productivity across the entire organization.

If you are interested in purchasing this program for your organization or team fill out the form below and check interested in purchase.

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