Coach tech 9 Coach Certification

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Let’s get going!!

Lifecoach 9

Lifecoach 9 an exciting new coach training system for those that are interested in becoming a Life Coach. It will also serve those that are already operating as a coach in any industry or that are using coaching as a way to optimize the teams that they lead. The powerful insights and tools within the LifeCoach 9 system will equip each person with the quintessential skills and resources they need to provide the support, leadership and motivation to those seeking a level of results in their lives.

What is a life coach?

A wellness professional that offers services to enhance and support the journey of an individual or a group in the area of personal or professional growth and development.

They help people achieve progress in their lives toward a sense of greater fulfillment and accomplishment. Life coaches aid their clients in improving their relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives. Life coaches help their clients create strategies that target their unique skills and gifts. They motivate, support and act as a sounding board for the those they serve.


Coaches offer guidance to help their clients achieve their goals and live their dreams. The Coach uses their experience and insights to help the client make the kind of decisions that will allow them to realize those goals and dreams. They have a variety of tools that they use to help their clients discover and develop the optimal solutions needed to address the problems and challenges that they are facing. Even though the decisions made and work put in is ultimately carried-out by the client the guidance of the coach plays such an invaluable part in each client getting to where they are going.


Coaches provide support for their clients by first believing in them and helping them to believe in themselves. Many times people needs someone to be present during the difficult and challenging times of their journey. The support can range from listening to being a sounding board for each of their clients. This aspect of coaching is more about the Coach’s disposition and attitude towards their clients and what they are attempting to do. Support allows people to take the risks associated with doing new and different things in life. Supported people are stronger people!


One of the main reason that people acquire a coach along their journey is so that they can obtain the edge that is needed either personally or professionally and ultimately to infuse their motivation. Coaches are skilled at encouraging and inspiring their clients through the various phases of their journey based on the knowledge of knowing the client’s motivational design. Also, they share stories that are meant to inspire the client to realize the greatness that is within them. They point to the potential that is dormant within and encourage them to be the best version of themselves by helping them awaken their inner drive for greatness!



Turn your experience, talents and training into something that will make a lasting impact on people’s lives.  Become a coach!  Grow your leadership ability and share the wealth of your personal and professional journey with others.  Coaching is one of the most powerful ways that we can help others reach the goals that they have set and achieve the dreams that they long desired.  It all starts with the Coach! This is where we come in to help you get a better understanding of who you are and what you have to give.  Our methodology will show you how to look at what you have done and who you are in a different light. It will allow you to harness the capacities that you didn’t even know that you possess.  We will also help you deliver on them in a way that will be both meaningful, relevant and impactful. 

Get the skills to start your own coaching practice!


Growing your skill to coach is the foundation for a successful coaching practice. Many people go out and get business cards and websites upon completing their coaching certification training. Many worry about how many clients that they are going to get and how much money that they are going to be able to make. Not that these are not important concerns however we believe that the most important thing you will need is SKILL. It will give you the expertise, competence and confidence to help your client achieve the results that they so direly need in their life. The CT9 Process for training and certifying coaches was designed to help you develop into an elite coach that is able to address the various challenges your clients are facing. You will grow in your ability to serve them well and add value with each interaction. You as the Coach are the beginning of your coaching practice. Therefore, focusing on your competency to get results is the most important aspect of getting clients and maintaining a successful practice.

Help others experience Breakthrough so they can Breakout!


Everyone needs help from time to time in life. Sometimes we struggle with challenges on a variety of levels that we have been dealing with for awhile. These issues can pose a problem by keeping you stuck and stunted in an area of you personal growth and development. At this point a breakthrough is needed so that you can do the things you have always wanted to do. Coaching helps people get the breakthroughs that they need to succeed and thrive in new ways especially in those hard to reach areas that people have not been able to overcome. The Coach provides a fresh new perspectives and valuable insights that help create new mindsets and strategy to solving problems. From the ongoing encouragement and accountability the Coach provides people are doing things that they had previously only dreamed of. People begin to not only move in the direction of their dreams and goals but they are also able to experience profound breakthrough which allows them to live and function in a new level of ease and productivity.

Who do we work with?


Leaders and aspiring leaders

Leaders of all kinds that wants to use A coaching MODEL to help those THAT they lead to be more productive and successful in the work they do. THE LEADER AS THE COACH.

Starting a Coaching Business

Anyone interested in starting a coaching career and /or business. We focus on the most important segment of starting and thriving in a coaching business.

Coaches of all shapes and sizes

Adding the Effective CT9 tools, resources and insights from this training will EXPONENTIALly increase your effectiveness! the technology enable your Client to get results Beyond behavioRal modificatiOn.

3 Step Process

Step 1

Get Trained!

The training that you will receive is designed to help you become the best coach possible. We first focus on you as the coach, and then the people you are going to coach and then the results that you are going to be able to help them achieve so that they can move forward toward their goals and dreams.

The initial training will be four 8 hr training days that are spread out to give you a total of 32 hours of training. We will introduce you to the foundation in coaching as well as our unique approach, model and system. Then we will layout a training schedule that will give you access to more than 100 hours of coaching content. This content will enable you to help create breakthrough for your clients that is both meaningful and sustainable.

Step 2

Get Coached!

We provide ongoing coaching to encourage and strengthen you in this new venture of coaching. For those that have been coaching for a while can utilize this program as a way to enhance their ability. We provide both group guided and one on one sessions at cost that will give Coaches tools and insights that can be immediately applied effectively to their coaching sessions.

We provide the next phase of your development in a group setting. We have a Facebook group that we have created to provide group guided coaching and support so that Coaches can continue to grow as they are taken through various real-time scenarios. One of our CT 9 Coaches will be leading the session and giving feedback to help each attendee along the process and exercise.

Step 3

Get Certified!

Our certification program is more than just a course for you to complete. We want to ensure that you are ready to be effective with the optimal skills and abilities needed to become an elite coach. We have mapped out a path with key milestones so that we can help you achieve breakthroughs like never before in your coaching career and step into your next level.

With your initial packet you will receive a certification check list. It list the steps toward becoming Coach Tech 9 certified. Also, listed are the various areas that the Coach will have to show competency in. We didn’t create this step to make it difficult to get certified. We ultimately created it to provide a standard where each Coach can measure and push themselves to get the results needed. The last part of the certification is an evaluation to make sure each Coach has a working knowledge of the basics as well as embody the necessary ethics in order to provide a safe environment for their clients.


Coach Track

Coach Track 9 was designed to put all the resources, tools and training you will need to complete and develop your coaching skills and practice.

This is our unique coach training program. We have included a number of different resources and services to complement your coach training. It was important to us to allow you to customize your program. Go over each option and select the one that best suits you.

Fuel: This is where it starts. Fuel is our online evaluation created to help each person identify what motivates, energizes and recharges their motivations. It is a part of the iD7 Identifier product line. It was made exclusively for CT9 coaches, clients and leaders and their teams.

Core Coach 9: Coach Core 9 is our coach training program that introduces you to our coaching methodologies and helps you build coaching techniques. In addition to human design and basic coaching skills, you will learn about various coaching methodologies and how to utilize them.

Support: Support is such an important part of this process because it is also what each coach is going to provide for those they coach. We have created a training program that includes support during and after the training to help each person grow and develop into amazing coaches. We have created some different types of support for you to chose from.

Coach Tools: Coach Tools combine various tools that will help you leverage your skills to help those you are coaching to get better results. They also include trainings that will help you grow in your ability to use the tools effectively.

Each of these areas were designed to give you what you need to be successful in your coaching and leading endeavors.


The CT9 Lifecoach Training Program was designed for those who want to become a life coach or those who want to enhance their life coaching ability. This is our foundational life coach training program. It packs in all the material that we are known for. There isn’t a better coach training system in the world. We focus on the competency of each coach. We believe the quality of the deliverables as a Coach is one of the greatest marketing tools. It is also where a Coach is going to get the confidence to help their clients and those they are leading to achieve optimal performance. It isn’t some big complex system with an overwhelming amount of information. It is a system of precision and focus on the key skills, content and practices. The Coach is able to integrate what they learn and add to their arsenal as they practice continuously as they move toward becoming an elite coach.

EQ7:  EQ7 is our brand new training and coaching program focused on helping each person strength their ability to manage their emotions and build stronger relationships with others. EQ stands for emotional intelligence it is the level that we are in tuned with our emotions and the emotions of others. It is also knowing what do with them to get the benefit they were designed to be to us. Our emotions are such an important part of who we are and our ability to do the things that allow us to continue to be whole and successful.

Dream mapping: Dream mapping is an amazing tool and process that we take our clients through. It was created to help each person get really clear about their purpose in life. It takes each through a process to discover their purpose and articulate their vision, mission and personal values. Then it used these insights to help them create a strategic map and strategy for aligning their actions and decisions with those insights. Its primary focus is to help each person develop a greater sense of what they want in life and plot a course toward it.

P(G+D): This class is about Personal Growth and Development Processes and Plans and how to craft one that is in your best interest. This is going to be one of the most important aspects of your coaching. Crafting a Strategic Life Plan will help them take the insights they are getting from coaching and combine it with where they are going in life and what to go. It will help them see the correlation between their ongoing growth and development and what they can do to move toward them goals.


the results we get:


People with happy and meaningful lives!

The biggest results we can get is the fulfillment our clients experience when they are understood, and helped to live the lives they have always wanted to. We are able to accomplish this due to our value system and our deep insights about people and how they achieve their goals.

People armed with life strategies and skills to overcome the obstacles they are facing!

We want our clients to have the ability to overcome each obstacle that they face with the wisdom to create the life strategies in the moment so that can be successful. We live life the majority of the time reactive versus proactive. Taking those necessary actions to combat and circumvent those things in our lives that we face day to day is imperative for us to overcome! We aren’t here to live their lives. We are here to help them on their journey toward achieving the goals and dreams that are in their heart. We have been helping people do just that for the past 25+ years.


  • Solve Problems

  • Make Critical Decisions

  • Set and Achieve Goals

  • Change your life and lifestyle

  • Develop your Personal and Professional skills

  • Grow your impact and influence

  • Discover Yourself

How we get these results:


Comprehensive insights about people:

Coach Tech 9 is a part of the DIscover You! Family of products powered by the Human Motivational Design paradigm and Human Performance Optimization methodologies. These are both created to help each person get mind-blowing results and live the uncommon life!

Amazing Tools and Resources

We have developed tools to leverage the skills that a person has developed as well as integrate the insights they have received. These same tools are the ones your client is going to use to align themselves toward the goals they have set. These tools and the methodologies that we teach will help them do more than they ever could.

Extensive Training and Coaching

We believe the most important aspect of us as a company getting the results we are known for is our “coaches.” We provide world class training and ongoing support to our coaches which has been key to maintain coaching professionals that can exceed the expectations of each client.

What’s my roi?

What can I expect to gain from my investment into this coach training program?

  • Profound Understanding about how others function and make decisions.

  • Tools and insights to help people develop life strategies and plans

  • Up to 64 Sessions of Coach Training and Education (chose between 3 coaching training programs)

  • 20 Sessions of Specialized Coach Training (LifeKit 9)

  • 16 Sessions of Group Guided Coaching

  • Coach Tool Box

  • Become a part of learning community of coaches

  • Building Skill and Confidence to coach

  • Everything you start a successful coaching business

  • Tools to help harness and leverage your unique motivations and abilities

  • A Powerful Coaching Model and System

  • On demand access to the lessons and learning coaching sessions

what’s your investment?

coach Training + Life KIT 9


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It all starts by…

1 Attending Weekly Coach Training or On Demand

2 Sign up for and Attend the weekly trainee circles

3 Study for and take your coach evaluation for your Certification and License.

4 Subscribe to the Mindgym and Huddle to continue to receive Training and Coaching.