A better Coach.

Coaching changes lives.

Everyone needs encouragement and support from time to time. We all need advice from someone who has been there and done that. We all need someone to listen so that we can hear ourselves and talk out what is in our heads and hearts. We all need someone to hold us accountable to the goals, dreams, and plans we have created, especially the hard ones. We live in a time where more and more people are getting coaches and mentors. They are finding the wisdom and insights they need to go forward are locked in a conversation. Who knew that having a conversation could change everything? These crucial conversation are providing the insights and motivation are enabling people all over the world to tap into their potential.

When leaders coach they can help people excel at whatever they are doing

There’s leading and then there is leading. We want to help each leader be the best leader they can be. One of the main ways they can do this is by helping them develop their ability to coach. The better a leader is at coaching the better their people will be able to function. Coaching is so much more than just telling people what to do. It is the ability to encourage and support your team and those you are leading in a way that allows them to build skill and confidence in what they are doing. It inspires people to perform at their very best and get results that not only get the job done but also allow them to take pride in their work.

What makes our coaching better?

We specialize in a human-centric approach to performance and executive coaching.

We focus on the essential skills and strategies that propel leaders and those they lead to excel in a highly competitive environment. Our coaching draws upon decades of research into what allows people to become high achievers. Just as a sports coach imparts knowledge of the game, hones skills, and builds mental resilience, our coaching services are designed to enhance business acumen, strategic thinking, and leadership qualities, all while fostering accountability and a high-effort ethos.

Understanding that success is not one-size-fits-all, our approach is deeply individualized. We recognize that each person has a unique vision of success, faces distinct challenges, and possesses different working styles and motivations. Our coaching is tailored to meet these diverse needs, providing personalized support and resources to navigate the path to achievement.

Coaching with us is a transformative experience that focuses on growth, development, and the relentless pursuit of goals. We equip our clients with the skills and knowledge to tackle the challenges they face, ensuring they can apply their personal and professional growth effectively to achieve their ambitions.

Our methodology draws upon extensive scientific research to uncover what sets successful individuals apart. We challenge conventional beliefs about intelligence and talent, emphasizing the importance of strategic effort and self-awareness in overcoming obstacles to success.

Success is not just the accomplishment of goals but the fulfillment and contentment that comes with achieving what truly matters to you. Our coaching helps clarify what success means to each client, guiding them toward their goals free from the constraints of societal definitions. It's about doing the right things, for the right reasons, and persisting until the desired outcomes are achieved.

The journey to success requires a nuanced understanding of the principles of achievement, which are universal yet must be applied according to one's unique context and identity. Our coaching explores these principles, providing a roadmap for applying them effectively across various aspects of life and work.

At the heart of our coaching philosophy is the belief that understanding oneself is crucial for success. We help our clients identify their intrinsic motivations and align their actions with their deepest goals. This understanding forms the foundation for a strategic approach to achieving personal and corporate objectives.

Our coaching model is built on a deep understanding of how people work and what they need to accomplish their goals. We focus on cultivating the necessary skills, mindsets, and motivations for each person to reach their highest potential. Our coaches are success experts, dedicated not just to goal-setting but to facilitating real, tangible achievements.

Understanding that success is both an art and a science, executive coaching delves into the principles underlying achievement across various endeavors. Mastery of these principles facilitates success in multiple life areas, demonstrating that the principles of perseverance, adaptability, and strategic planning are universal.

Our coaching is designed to guide you through this journey, leveraging both the science and the art of success to help your organization thrive in today's competitive landscape.

What is coaching?

Coaching is the component of leadership that provides encouragement and support. It focuses on making sure each person grows and develops into a highly engaged and productive member of the team and organization. This is done by making sure that goals are clarified and skills developed. It creates an atmosphere where each person is inspired and motivated to bring their very best each day. It helps people deal with the difficulties and obstacles they face at work.

OUr better coach system and content were created to help each leader empower their people.

Coaching is about encouraging and supporting people and teams. It helps them optimize their potential and maximize their performance.

It’s about helping them optimize their potential so they can perform in ways they never thought were possible. It’s about helping them see all that lies within them, and then accessing and using it to accomplish their goals and dreams. There are a variety of different coaching methods and focuses out there. Our focus is on becoming a better coach. We believe that if you are successful at helping those you are coaching and leading to become the best version of themselves, everything else will begin to fall into place. We are not saying that it is the solution for every part of the work you are doing. We are saying it is the most important work you will do. Without the products and services you are providing, you will never reach the optimal level of effectiveness. People are the key to every business. Helping them do their work in a more meaningful way not only allows them to be successful at achieving their goals, but it allows them to grow and develop as individuals.

Coaching is about people.

Coaching is about supporting and encouraging people through their process and their personal progress. It helps them optimize their potential and maximize their performance.

It’s about helping them optimize their potential so they can perform in ways they never thought were possible. It’s about helping them see all that lies within them, and then accessing and using it to accomplish their goals and dreams. There are a variety of different coaching methods and focuses out there. Our focus is on becoming a better coach. We believe that if you are successful at helping those you are coaching and leading to become the best version of themselves, everything else will begin to fall into place. We are not saying that it is the solution for every part of the work you are doing. We are saying it is the most important work you will do. Without the products and services you are providing, you will never reach the optimal level of effectiveness. People are the key to every business. Helping them do their work in a more meaningful way not only allows them to be successful at achieving their goals, but it allows them to grow and develop as individuals.


We are here to help.



to make it easier for (someone) to do something by offering one's services or resources

We’ve created a collection of tools and resources based on years of research and work with people looking to overcome the obstacles stopping them from succeeding. We are building a community of people who want to powerfully serve others with their gifts, abilities, and lives. When people care enough to be the very best version of themselves and then help others to do the same, this is how things change.

The Human Factor

One of the things that makes us different is that we don’t just focus on training people to lead and coach, but we also work with them to lead and coach themselves with the same insights they will be using to help others. Self-care and Self-leadership are a major part of the programs and the ongoing support that we offer.

Our insights, processes, and tools were developed from our focus on the human aspect of coaching. We believe that the more we understand ourselves, what we can do, and the work that we do, the better we will be able to accomplish our goals and dreams in life. Also, the more we understand others, what they can do, and the work that they do, the better we can work with them to achieve our collective goals. To do both, we have to care about people. This includes caring about ourselves and doing the things that will allow us to be the best version of ourselves. This is a process and a work in progress that will continue until the day we die.


It starts with you.

We start with equipping the coach with the insights and resources they are going to need to be the best version of themselves. They are going to use the same methodology and resources to help others. They will be able to teach and train others to discover, develop, and use their potential, gifts, and skills to achieve their goals and dreams. Lastly, we provide ongoing coach support to those who are on their journey toward growth and development and are helping others do the same.

We will continue to learn, grow, and offer our findings, results, and progress to those who are a part of this helping community and those who are being helped by it. That’s the CT9 Way.

A Better Coach.

Our Aim 

Our aim is simple: we believe that everyone can achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. We want to be a part of the journey of those who need our encouragement and support as well as those who offer their encouragement and support for others to progress. They are one and the same. We all need encouragement and support and we all have a life calling to provide encouragement and support for others in some way. We aren’t what we are going to be and we aren’t what we were, but by pushing, pressing, and deciding we can become who we were designed to be. You were designed for greatness and nothing less! If you need encouragement and support, we are here for you.

we have a soft spot for coaches.

We want you to look around our site and see if there are any tools or resources that we have that could help you. We want to offer you 25% off of your first-time purchase for any of our coaching and training products, and 10% off any of our certification packages. To get your discount, contact us to make your purchase rather than processing it online.

We’d Love to work with you to help you achieve your coaching goals.